- A bill is created when a student is registered for classes. 这就产生了注册人支付学杂费的经济义务,同时构成了对这一责任的理解和接受.
- 当学生退课时,也可以创建一个账单. Refund and Repayment Policy.
- Allen College does not send bills in any form.
- 学生可以通过“我的账单”下的“我的脉搏”帐户访问账单(对账单) & Payments and then click on Touchnet.
- Tuition, 本学期的费用和其他授权收费至少在课程开始前一周提供.
Due Dates:
Fall semester: September 15
Spring semester: February 15
- 滞纳金:如果在到期日之前未收到全额付款,将收取每月20美元的费用.
Billing Holds:
- 由于过期余额,学生将被放置在账单上.
- Billing holds may prevent you from getting transcripts, registering for classes, 在未来的学期中被禁止上课,可能无法获得成绩.
- Any outstanding financial obligations to Allen College, either on student tuition accounts or institutional loans, 必须有良好的信誉和/或全额付款才能被考虑重新录取365365体育在线投注.
Collection Efforts:
任何有逾期账单或麦克尔罗伊机构贷款逾期付款的学生将被提交给催收机构,并将负责365365体育在线投注与催收该余额相关的任何额外费用. 这包括但不限于托收代理费、诉讼费用、律师费等.